The BMCA Community

The BMCA Community Platform (hosted on Mighty Networks) fosters spaces for gathering and connection for Professional Members, Explorer Members (formerly Student, Friend, and Associate Members) and Community Members. Whether you’re just curious about Body-Mind Centering® or already immersed in your BMC® journey, you are welcome to join, and connect, share, collaborate, and learn with others.


We welcome all those with an interest in Body-Mind Centering® to join our community – the somatically curious, students, friends, teachers, and practitioners. Community membership is FREE and will help you stay up-to-date with BMC® and BMCA-related news and events.

Please note: If you’re a BMCA member and haven’t already, you’ll need to set up a new account on Mighty Networks. (Your old BMCA website password will not work.)


All paid memberships include the following:

  • Our appreciation for your financial contribution to BMCA, which helps sustain the ongoing operation of our non-profit organization, supports the publication of the annual Currents journal, and makes possible the development and production of community events, conferences, and gatherings.   

  • Quarterly member newsletter: ConCurrents, with updates and happenings in the community.

  • Digital access to Currents, BMCA’s annual journal, including editions from years 1998 onward.

  • Member discount on the pre-order price of the hard copy of Currents.

  • Member discounts on BMCA online events, gatherings, and other member community opportunities.  


Explorer Membership is now offered on a self-selecting sliding scale. We also offer monthly payment options.

HIGH: $95/year or $9/month
MEDIUM: $60/year or $6/month
LOW: $35/year or $4 month

High contribution level reflects the true cost. If you have access to financial security, own property or have personal savings, you would not traditionally qualify for sliding scale services. If you are able to pay for "wants" and spend little time worrying about securing necessities in your life, you have economic privilege and power in our community. This price is for you.

The medium contribution reflects BMCA’s acknowledgement that paying the higher contribution would create financial strain for some folks in our community from being able to participate in our community.

The low contribution amount represents our acknowledgment that there are folks whose economic circumstances would prohibit them from being a part of the community. If you struggle to maintain access to needs such as health care, housing, food, child care, and are living paycheck to paycheck or are in significant debt, you deserve a community that honors your price as an equal economic offering as the person who can pay the highest contribution.


Those who have graduated from a training program offered by a School for Body-Mind Centering (SBMC) licensed organization may choose to become Professional Members. Professional Members are authorized to use the trademarks (Body-Mind Centering® and BMC®) in describing their workshops, classes, and other offerings. A portion of the membership price is allocated for an annual Mark fee. Professional Members must sign the Marks License Agreement, maintain good standing, adhere to ethical guidelines in their practice, and stay current with continuing education requirements. 

The BMCA Community

What will you find?

A general space for all members to post, share, and discuss BMC® topics of interest.

The ability to connect and chat directly with other members.

Updates on BMCA board and committee activities.

Access to and participation in BMCA-hosted online events.

Live participation and access to recordings of BMCA Open Meetings.

The recordings of the past event: Celebrating BMC®: 50 years of somatic education

And soon, digital copies of the Currents journal will also be available exclusively for BMCA members on the platform.